Friday, January 29, 2010

Spend Less by Spending More

"March of the Peacocks" by Paul Krugman - NY Times January 28, 2010

I am soooo confused. The problem with the deficit is that we are spending not enough stimulus money to create more jobs and that we haven't expanded health care to save money.

I have mentioned before, and will say it again, the government cannot create sustainable jobs. It can only transfer money from one group to another.

A job is when I add value to your life directly or through my employer. YOU have to be the one that determines if I am adding value to your life by the purchases and choices that you make.

A government created job does not have this feedback because you have no choice to pay your money to the government...and what they choose to subsidize may or may not be of value to you.

If it isn't of value, it is only sustained through the force of taxation. government program has ever, EVER, saved money. It just creates new entitlements.

So, Paul...explain this to me...we need to reduce the deficit by spending more?

in reference to: Op-Ed Columnist - March of the Peacocks - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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