Friday, December 11, 2009

Democrats advocate a regressive tax

OK, in the NY Times article "Many See the VAT Option as a Cure for Deficits" this trial balloon is being floated to raise more money from the taxpayer.

A "VAT" or value added tax is like a sales tax that is levied at the various stages of production. It doesn't matter what your income level is, you pay when you buy.

So, if I understand correctly, this tax will make everyone poorer by billions of dollars. Each family or individual will have less money to spend on what they need to survive and thrive.

Now, the part I am confused about, is how does making everyone a bit poorer help them out?

The answer is that the money collected by the Feds will go to pay down the deficit! Yes, we have less money to spend on surviving so we can pay down the deficit!

Let's get this straight...the politicians in Washington, (yes both parties) have spent more money than they have for years. The Democrats have promised to pay for these programs by taxing the rich. Oooppps. Not enough money let's tax the middle class and the poor!

We as voters deserve what we get. It just amazes me that my liberal friends just don't see this coming.

in reference to: Payback Time - Many See the VAT Option as a Cure for Deficits - Series - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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