Saturday, January 23, 2010

Charles Blow thinks you are a mob....

"Mobs Rule" by Charles Blow NY Times January 22, 2010

Hear these words about people in our country....

easily manipulated
shaped a mob
mob is fickle
feted the fearful
people are angry
they are frustrated
underestimated the mob

The picture that Mr. Blow paints is disdain for the intelligence and core values of the American people. They are so easily manipulated he believes.

President Obama "underestimated the mob."

What, he should have created more "bread and circuses" to keep them entertained?

May I suggest an alternative picture?

The mob isn't fickle. The mob isn't composed of zombies that are easily manipulated by right wing media. The mob isn't driven by emotions.

The vast majority of people in the United States simple want a government that isn't beholden to special interests (i.e. Unions) that is transparent (i.e. closed door health plan) that moves slowly and carefully with all parties participating when making major moves and that lives within its budget.

It isn't that the "mob" is fickle, the mob hasn't moved. It is simply disappointed that the Obama administration didn't live up to its promises.

I find this theme an undercurrent from most Washington politicians from both major parties. That is a disdain for the American people. They want to re-label common sense beliefs as extremist and mob activated.

It is the politicians that are disappointing. The American people haven't moved.

in reference to: Op-Ed Columnist - Mobs Rule - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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